Studies & media reports

Not yet convinced that exoskeletons are right for your company? No problem - we have compiled studies and media reports for you here that can show you how it can be used successfully in your company. The studies deal with all aspects - from physical relief to the psychological component.

Studies and media
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Studies on exoskeletons


Ottobock has summarised a number of studies on the effectiveness of its products on its homepage.ottobock has summarised a number of studies on the effectiveness of its products on its homepage.

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Use of exoskeletons

In its April 2020 issue, the specialist magazine for safety professionals looks at the effectiveness and acceptance of exoskeletons:

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Medical prevention

ASU - Occupational medicine

In August 2020, ASU magazine looked at exoskeletons, in particular the effect of the Paexo Shoulder when working overhead:

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Field studies on exoskeletons

In December 2018, the Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft published a study of exoskeletons in selected workplaces.

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Exoskeletons in the Application

Commission for Occupational Health & Safety & Standardisation (KAN)

In 2019, the Occupational Health and Safety and Standardisation Commission dealt with exoskeletons in several articles:

>Article 1

>Article 2

>Article 3

The influence of exoskeletons

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

The EU has published a discussion paper online on the impact of exoskeletons on health and safety at work:

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Exoskeletons in the Logistics 4.0

Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow & Logistics IML

Exoskeletons are mechanical support structures worn on the body to support certain work activities or to relieve the strain on specific areas of the body.

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Pimp my employee

Newspaper "Handwerk + Bau"

In March 2021, Bauzeitung published an article on the use of exoskeletons on construction sites.

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Practical experience with exoskeletons

At the Logimat 2019 trade fair, there was a presentation on exoskeletons, which "Robotics and Production" reported on in detail:

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Making work easier with exoskeletons

Fabian Sommavilla from the Viennese newspaper "Standard" wrote about the developments surrounding exoskeletons back in March 2019:

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How exoskeletons make work easier

In June 2021, ARD broadcast a report on exoskeletons in various work environments:

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Evaluation of exoskeletons

Taylor & Francis

Taylor & Francis published a detailed evaluation of the Paexo Shoulder in May 2020:

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Prevention of muscle complaints

German Society for Occupational Medicine and Environmental Medicine e.V.

In July 2020, the German Society for Occupational Medicine published guidance on evaluating the use of exoskeletons:

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Biomechanical assessment

Journal of Labour Science

Ulrich Glitsch from the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has also addressed the topic of exoskeletons and published a very interesting study on the subject:

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Practical experience

University of Tübingen & Audi AG

Together with Audi, the University of Tübingen has published a study on practical experiences:

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Selection of exoskeletons

Fabian Holly , Diploma thesis

In his diploma thesis at TU Wien, Fabian Holly focussed intensively on how to select the right exoskeletons for his field of application:

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Working with exoskeletons

Volkswagen AG

Volkswagen has been researching this topic since 2012 and is driving the targeted development of the ergonomics strategy with exoskeletons. An initial result of this work can be seen in the following video.

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Exoskeletons in production

BMW Group

The BMW Group has decided to introduce several dozen arm and shoulder-supporting exoskeletons, including the Chairless Chair from Noonee. The following video shows the use of exoskeletons at BMW.

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"No longer so exhausted in the evening"

Velux Austria GmbH

The roof window specialist Velux uses the Paexo Shoulder in its production. You can find a report on this in the Bauelemente magazine.

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