Auxivo exoskeletons

Auxivo exoskeletons

Auxivo AG was founded in 2019 as a spin-off of the Laboratory for Rehabilitation Technology at ETH Zurich. ETH has a long tradition of exoskeleton research. An important part of this research has always been investigating how wearable exoskeletons need to be designed to ensure that they provide the right level of support while not negatively impacting their users. The work at Auxivo is based on the expertise and knowledge gained from these years of development and research, as well as proprietary technologies developed over the last few years.
Auxivo is constantly working on new industrial exoskeleton solutions to reduce the workload in different industries and sectors. Applications to reduce the risk of injury. All exoskeletons are developed in close collaboration with end users to ensure that the result is truly suitable for everyday use.

Universal application possibilities

Possible applications
Possible applications

Feel the difference.

Exoskeletons from Auxivo

supports your back and hip muscles

transfers the weight of the payload to the hips

Symbiosis of innovative design and technology

is the most versatile exoskeleton solution on the market

Free initial consultation