Support for your back

Rakunie Back Support

Wearing "rakunie" relieves the spine by 20 % when working in forced bending postures. rakunie is a new belt system in Europe for the prevention of back pain caused by overloading or working in forced bending postures.

rakunie is easy to put on - with full mobility. Put an end to excessive strain on your back. The 2nd generation of rakunie - more effective - simpler - lighter, thanks to the new "backpack system" regardless of bust size. rakunie is available in various unisex sizes.


Rakunie Backsupport

All advantages at a glance

Advantage 1

The entire rakunie harness system weighs only 250 grams.

All advantages at a glance

Advantage 3:

rakunie consists of a very elastic and resilient material combination designed for durability. rakunie has been extensively tested for material resilience. On the test bench at Keio University, it was proven that rakunie retains its elasticity to 90% even after 50,000 stretches.

All advantages at a glance

Advantage 5:

rakunie can be worn over or under (work) clothing as required.


Your path to the exoskeleton

Preventive products for physical support in various work processes. For more well-being, energy and therefore more performance.

in a nutshell

The Rakunie Back Protect is an innovative harness system that has been specially developed to relieve strain on the back muscles when working in a stooped position. Thanks to its unique design, it reduces the strain on the spine by up to 20 % and can be worn comfortably over or under clothing.

Advantages of the Rakunie Back Protect:

Effective back relief: Reduces back pain during physically strenuous work by supporting the back and thigh muscles.
Simple handling: Can be put on and taken off in around 30 seconds and is available in various unisex sizes.
Unrestricted freedom of movement: Supports the muscles without restricting mobility and thus prevents muscle breakdown.

Areas of application for the Rakunie Back Protect:

Care: Supports lifting activities and reduces physical strain.
Agriculture: Makes it easier to work in a stooped position and protects the spine.
Crafts and gardening: Relieves back strain during physically demanding activities.

Technical details:

Weight: Approx. 250 g, which ensures light wearing comfort.
Material: Heavy-duty, elastic materials for durability and easy cleaning.
Care instructions: Preferably hand wash or machine wash in a lingerie net; dries quickly and is ready for the next use.

Application note:

The Rakunie Back Protect is not designed for the direct medical treatment of back pain, but serves to prevent overloading. It does not promote greater muscle strength, but reduces the strain on muscles and joints in the back, shoulders, hips, thighs, knees and lower legs.


Rakunie Back Protect, exoskeleton, back relief, ergonomics, Care, Craftagriculture, gardening

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