Questions & Answers

Questions and answers about the exoskeleton

For most of us, exoskeletons are a completely new experience. This naturally raises questions. We have endeavoured to summarise some of the most important questions about exoskeletons and list them here. Didn't find the answer to your question? No problem, we look forward to receiving your e-mail!

Questions Answers
What exoskeletons are available?

There are a wide variety of exoskeleton solutions. It is therefore very important to analyse the activities during the decision-making phase in order to be able to select the right product

What is an exosuit?

An exo suit is a suit that can redirect forces. There are a wide variety of models, from simple textile systems to complex active systems that incorporate motors and batteries.

Has the effect of exoskeletons been scientifically proven?

The influence of exoskeletons on the body's biomechanics has been researched by many experts. The positive effect of exoskeletons has been analysed and proven in numerous studies. Here you will find further information on the studies.

What are the consequences of overhead and over-shoulder activities for the human body?

When working manually above shoulder and head height, the joints and muscles in the shoulders, arms and back are exposed. Back very strained. In addition, the neck muscles can become very tense due to the backward tilt, which can even lead to restricted blood flow to the neck. Poor due to reduced hydrostatic pressure in the blood vessels. For this reason, work with the hands above shoulder level or overhead work can only be carried out for a few minutes. In the long term, such activities can lead to work-related musculoskeletal disorders.

Why is there a need for action for the use of exoskeletons?

Around a quarter (23.2 %) of days of incapacity for work in Germany are due to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs, as of 2013). And this figure increases with age: among the over-55s, they already account for more than 35 %. MSDs therefore cause considerable economic damage (loss of gross value added: approx. 20 billion euros, as of 2013). (see DGUV). There is a proven direct link between overhead work and musculoskeletal disorders. The physical relief provided by exoskeletons can contribute to a reduction in work-related health risks, lost working hours and accidents. Exoskeletons therefore open up the possibility of making an important contribution to the preventive health maintenance of the workforce.

Which exoskeleton should I buy?

The decision as to whether and which exoskeleton is suitable for your employees must be made on a case-by-case basis. It is therefore very important to evaluate the workstations and, if necessary, carry out a test phase before the introduction.

What does "exoskeleton" mean?

Exoskeleton means "external structure". The external structure, which simulates the musculoskeletal system, can redirect forces and protect sensitive areas of the body - such as the lumbar region, which is particularly susceptible to intervertebral disc problems.

Why an exoskeleton?

An exoskeleton can be a very effective tool for relieving the strain of heavy physical activities. We would be happy to work with you to evaluate your workplace and provide information on which systems may be of interest to you.

Do exoskeletons improve performance?

No, exoskeletons relieve and support people. They improve ergonomics and can increase employee satisfaction, but they do not improve performance.

Can I adjust the support provided by exoskeletons to suit my individual needs?

Yes, the support force can be customised to people and activities.

Can several people share an exoskeleton?

We recommend personalised assignment of the exoskeleton. This is the only way to guarantee the optimum effectiveness of the exoskeleton. Furthermore, for reasons of hygiene, the exoskeleton should not be passed on to another user. However, if the exoskeleton changes users in the long term, it can be easily refitted and hygienically reprocessed.

How long does it take to put on and take off an exoskeleton?

After a familiarisation phase, donning and doffing takes less than 20 seconds.

Can I wear an exoskeleton all day?

The wearing time of exoskeletons is not restricted. Because they are easy to put on and take off, exoskeletons can simply be removed from time to time, for example when rotating workstations or during breaks.

What does an exoskeleton cost?

We will be happy to make you an offer. Please contact us here for a consultation.

Are there any restrictions on the operating temperature?

Exoskeletons should not be exposed to excessive sunlight or temperatures above or below -10 to 45 °C. Contact with heat, embers and fire should also be avoided.

How is an exoskeleton cleaned?

The textiles of an exoskeleton are removable, washable and reusable. The technology can be wiped clean with a damp cloth. It is possible to order a hygiene set for replacing the textiles.

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