Exoskeletons for logistics
There are many applications for exoskeletons in logistics - above all, of course, as a "lifting aid" for heavy loads. Here, exosuits provide very good support for employees who have to lift the weight of a jumbo jet in the course of a week.

Prevent back problems
Exoskeletons for logistics personnel
Work in order picking is characterised by many different lifting operations. Here, exoskeletons are a perfect companion throughout the day, allowing employees to experience an improvement in back pain after just a few weeks of use.
Exoskeletons for these applications:
Paexo Back, LiftSuit, Soft Back
Wholesalers have to react very flexibly to the needs of their customers. Of course, this also means that employees in logistics have to process orders quickly - which in turn can lead to overloads. This is where exoskeletons for the Back work wonders!
Exoskeletons for these applications:
Paexo Back, LiftSuit, Soft Back
Modern logistics companies are exposed to a wide variety of requirements. In warehouse logistics in particular, time is money and employees are hard to come by. It is therefore certainly a good idea to reduce the strain on employees by using exoskeletons.
Exoskeletons for these applications:
Paexo Back, LiftSuit, Soft Back
Parcel shipping has reached new heights, and not just because of the pandemic. The workload in the parcel centre is very high for the employees - due to the high turnover rate, a jumbo jet is lifted here every week! Your employees will thank you for the support of exosuits!
Exoskeletons for these applications:
Paexo Back, LiftSuit, Soft Back
Advantages of exoskeletons in the logistics sector
The logistics industry has only recently begun to utilise the benefits of exoskeletons for picking, loading and unloading. In wholesale operations, wearing an exoskeleton enables the retail sector to carry heavy parcels without risking pain or injury. In warehouse logistics operations, exoskeletal devices have helped to reduce the number of injuries when transporting goods on their shelves. These devices can also be used for pushing and pulling heavy goods to ensure that goods reach their destination quickly.
Exoskeletons also offer great help for Parcel centresas they help the employees, more weight to carry and cover greater distances. They can distribute the load to different parts of the body and thus reduce the risk of overloading and the associated injury. In addition, these devices enable more precise control of the weight distribution and therefore better handling of the goods.
Companies also benefit from other advantages of exoskeletons: they have a Better control over the user's movementreduce the Strain on muscles and bones and minimise the risk of injuries or accidents. They also offer more protection when lifting or carrying heavy loads, which means that jobs can be completed more quickly. Exoskeletons can also be customised to meet the requirements of the industry in question. Exoskeletons therefore not only offer more protection for workers, but also better productivity and efficiency in logistics.