History - Future

What is an exoskeleton?

An exoskeleton is an external support structure for the body. The first model was patented in 1890 by Nicholas Yagn and had 2 support springs to improve the running speed of infantry. However, it is unclear whether this was ever built.

The first attempt to manufacture exoskeletons industrially was the Hardiman from General Electric. This and the following models (e.g. the BLEEX) also focussed on military applications. Applications.

It was not until 2004 that HAL was developed in Japan, the first exoskeleton that was not aimed at military applications but at rehabilitation (e.g. for paraplegia, where exoskeletons have proven very effective) and, for the first time, lifting and carrying heavy loads. Over the last 15 years, many companies have taken up this topic and there are now a large number of active and passive exoskeletons ("robot suits") designed to relieve the strain on various parts of the body.

What is an exoskeleton
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